Friday, October 31, 2008
Rally Rage, Racist Ashley Todd, and the Rhetoric of Hate: Questions of Responsibility
-Melissa Harris-Lacewell, Associate Professor of Politics and African-American studies at Princeton University, guest on MSNBC's 'The Rachel Maddow Show' on Oct. 24, 2008
In every election cycle, policy divides frequently drift into deeply personal realms. Considering the dire circumstances we as a nation will face in the coming years, and the increase in pressure and tensions as November 4 drifts near, it is also no surprise that voters experience an augmenting sense of urgency as an election approaches. However, the partisan rancor has been amplified in recent months beyond the levels of recent years, at times drifting into realms of violence. In October, the media circulated images of people entering, interrupting, or leaving Republican rallies yelling violent threats against and associating Senator Barack Obama with “terrorist interests.” Then there was the coverage of the Halloween display of Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin hanging by the neck under the labels of “art” and “good fun” by its creator. And the news cycle recently picked up the lies of a very sick individual named Ashley Todd, who lied about being mugged on the basis of a campaign sticker, in the process evoking a number of racist traditions in American political history. These stories are only reflective of the state of mind of the particular individuals. But it’s only fair to ask how we, and they, got to this point. What factors lead individuals to the conclusion that this expression is acceptable, necessary, and justified?
The primary response would be the campaigns that have circulated hate materials. However, the media itself is sometimes the exploited outlet. There have been a number of instances through the campaign cycle where the media has leapt on evocative, uncorroborated stories and Internet hearsay: the Obama madrassa falsehoods, Palin’s book banning bull, colored coverage that juxtaposed lipstick analogies. The Ashley Todd debacle represents a dangerous foray into media missteps, to say the least. In a 24-hour news cycle, the competition of contributions from the blogosphere aggravate the already dire need for scoops on other networks, and the ability to substitute commentary to fill airspace create a susceptible host for the parasite of misinformation.
The media is also a business, and relies on ratings to generate ad revenue. Media is prone to these Ashely Todd covering lapses in judgment when these motivations combine with a conflict in its orientation. The media is also unable in some instances to address the way to address political life. On the one hand, the role of the media is to inform the viewer of occurrences: “this happened” journalism. However, the media is also supposed to be an objective distributor of fact—not everything released by campaigns is going to be accurate, and some believe that the media should act as an arbiter of truth. In fact, the reliance on and manipulation of this divide contributed to some of the most notable campaign successes—see your Lee Atwater, James Carville, Karl Rove interactions with the press. In light of the upturn in violent imagery, has the media been responsible in bridging this divide?
A main focus of news media outlets is to provide intellectually curious citizens with access to information about occurrences in their community and throughout the world. There is also an implied credibility in the normative notions of a media commitment to objectivity and fact-based reporting. This leads the electorate to a kind of passive activity in their interactions with media: they are not in control of the agenda, but they learn through exposure to media. Similar informative effects have been demonstrated in the study of political ad campaigns. However, there is a grave danger in the inactivity of the electorate and the implications of uncritical regurgitation—people are often unaware of the manipulative effects of language on their thoughts and perceptions. The media also determines the “frame” of a narrative: information that the viewer can and cannot see. It’s the reason that authoritarian societies restrict the press. With control of what and how information is perceived comes control of the public consciousness. Just as dangerous as active manipulation of reporting is entirely passive reporting, or granting equal weight to both views of an issue without regard to disparities in the factual foundation of the specific side. Passive reporting follows the format “x says this, y says that.” Through the statement, there is an implication that both x and y have equal merit, even if y is a fringe opinion with little empirical support. The danger in journalism comes from investing too heavily in either end of the spectrum.
These fears about propaganda and passive reporting served as inspiration for investment in the Internet. The Internet serves as a channel of communication not only between individuals, but also between society and the media. Through news comments or the blog ring, individuals can have a discussion with the media. The search engine resources and virtual record of video also grant individuals an active role in news creation, and resources to investigate information that resonates with their particular value set. However, in attempting to compete with the fast, commercial-free, instant gratification of the Internet, the media often falls victim to pushing stories through without fully examining the facts of the situation—it’s the reason Dan Rather lost his job, and Ashley Todd’s self-mutilation ran so frequently. It’s also been demonstrated that people have a psychological inclination to seek information that furthers their perceptions about society. So with an increased activity of the electorate also comes the ability to further insulate oneself from facts that conflict with one’s worldview, beyond interpreting stories to actively searching for something that corroborates these beliefs. So has the Internet really helped? And has the media been effective in maintaining a balance between objectivity and fact?
The main concerns about media analysis are the dissolution of debate into infotainment, the dissolution of debate into an exchange of factual inaccuracies, and manipulation of the format to the benefit of one side. The ad watch was one of the first methods developed by the media as a check on the political process. However, primitive ad watches actually served to strengthen negative advertising by recycling the message of the candidate, focusing on and rating the “truthiness” of a single ad, and utilizing partisan sources. By repeating the advertisement, the media was exposing individuals to its informative effects. By focusing on one advertisement, the media was creating the image of ganging up on the specific candidate. By using quotes from sources within campaigns, the ad watch diminished the questions of fact to questions of a partisan nature.
Political commentary is another solution to these complex questions of the role of the media. The structure is simple: reporter introduces the story, two partisans clearly representing the interests of a candidate or campaign speak on the issue, reporter acts as moderator in discussion of the story. The format is intended to address the weakness of a media analysis: a reporter speaks first to highlight the reality of situations, the partisans are clearly identified as such to give the viewer insight as to the motivation of the content, and the reporter ideally steps in to correct factual inaccuracies presented by the partisan. However, this format demonstrates a number of the same drawbacks as the ad watch, allowing talking points to pose as news and stories to evolve into partisan discussions. It breaks down complex issues into a “this-or-that” exchange. The process is also very open to manipulation by the reporter, as well as the selection of the spokesmen for each “side.” This is why it’s completely different to experience commentary between networks, and between individual commentators. The round table has been utilized to diminish this effect, but can experience the drawbacks of hyperplularism, as mocked by Jon Stewart in the Daily Show’s discussion of CNBC’s use of eight commentators on the economy as “the octabox!”
Another complication stems from the psychology of the voter, particularly with the principle of association by contiguity. When the viewer witnesses the commentator linked to discussion of a candidate, the comments become associated with networks in the brain affiliated with emotions about campaigns and candidates. Therefore, the policy of the candidate can become congested with sources that are not affiliated with campaigns. These links are highly important due to the way that Americans tend to make voting decisions: in a highly uninformed and emotionally charged manner. Americans have a combined sense of civic duty to vote as well as a short political attention span. It has been demonstrated that, politically, people make decisions based on feelings about party, followed by feelings about candidate, and then if still undecided feelings about issues. These associations give voters a sense that they are making an informed decision without having any specific information, meaning it is extremely important to have a connection to the associations with one’s campaign. Considering these effects and news coverage, can there be a plausible link between media of all forms and the recent manifestations of negative sentiments in our political environment? And what does that mean for the candidates as voters enter the booth?
Investigating the inoculation theory of communication provides another interesting dimension to the conflict. This theory states that an individual’s first exposure to an incident determines the way that the individual will react to the incident in later circumstances. It’s the “Oh, I’ve heard of that!” effect. The argument can be made that hearing a rumor from a news outlet is beneficial because it is contained to the empirical and less likely to be colored by emotional sentiments and build emotional associations with voters. This is assuming the best of the media. The most dangerous circumstances, aside from outright manipulation of coverage or the mere repetition of the claim without analysis comes in the form of risky, uncorroborated stories. If an individual’s experience with a story is colored by the first exposure, reporting on a story before all the facts and evidence are examined have the potential for individuals to believe that the story is true. Even when confronted by later evidence. Understanding inoculation, is it a stretch to assert that, for the woman dubbed as “Crazy McCain Lady” by Saturday Night Live to still believe that Barack Obama is “an Arab,” even when John McCain himself refuted the claim? Why address risky stories understanding their detrimental impacts on political discourse?
These questions and relationships are all fascinating and complicated, and there is still a learning curve as we discover this manipulation of the press is conscious. The Internet is a powerful, wonderful, and dangerous resource due to the high volume of user-control. It’s a lot harder for a candidate to deny saying something when it’s on YouTube or a news website’s video search, as Representative Michelle Bachmann is learning this election cycle after her encounter on Hardball. But it’s also a lot easier to spread photos of a candidate in African garb to perpetuate notions that he’s a Muslim extremist and play on the implicit bigotry of the electorate. The increased resources and savvy also contribute to the prevalence of false information, as well as the voter’s capability to cling to falsehoods.
The media is slowly learning the lessons of history, becoming more critical of its sources. Not all outlets picked up the Ashley Todd story before it became exposed as a fraud, and commentators are becoming better equipped to understand and question the distortions of voting records and 527 claims after the lessons of the 2004 election. Case and point: the treatment of Jerome Corsi’s book on the 2004 candidate, and the treatment of Jerome Corsi’s book on the 2008 candidate.
The coverage of radical individuals is also detrimental to campaigns, because these violent images become affiliated, through networks in the brain, with the campaign. Risky stories are covered due to the media environment of “get it first,” and the willingness of the viewer to consume the product, but also due to the media’s sense of duty to report something has occurred as part of the informative process. This may be detrimental or beneficial, as the inoculation theory of communication discusses that people’s associations with a claim are connected to their first exposure of the incident.
In attempting to suppress any form of media, the questions of boundaries become so overwhelming that the absence of regulation is a necessity. However, this freedom is in and of itself a challenge. The media has to be responsible in the manner that it chooses stories, because we trust our news outlets to be responsible. Don’t be the reporter that cries wolf. Adhere to ethical standards and check your facts, or risk desensitizing the public when something serious actually occurs.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sarah Palin: The Questions of Continuity and Equality
The Sarah Palin media phenomena is a no-brainer. The electoral buzz words are endless: small-town, PTA member, hockey mom of five kids, the oldest a son deployed to Iraq on September 11th, the youngest with a newborn with special needs, who went from the school board to the city council to mayor of her hometown and finally the corruption and wasteful-spending cutting, maverick, reform governor of Alaska with hard-working, champion-snow-machine-racing, union-member, high-school sweetheart husband of twenty years supporting her. This narrative was constructed by the McCain campaign when the Senator introduced Palin to the crowd in Dayton: a woman announced in the “anniversary week of woman’s suffrage,” who “doesn’t let anyone tell her to sit down.” The announcement was also made amid the resurrection of animosity from a fiercely contested Democratic primary. It had recently come to light that Senator Hillary Clinton was never vetted by the Obama campaign for the VP slot of the Democratic ticket. Palin alluded to Hillary’s “eighteen million cracks in that highest, hardest glass ceiling,” and called upon American women to “shatter that glass ceiling once and for all.” Suddenly Americans were glued to their computers, googling Governor Palin. The narrative has since ballooned to new volumes, shifted, and spiraled out of control. Sarah Palin described to the American public how she “told Congress, ’Thanks, but no thanks!’ on that bridge to nowhere,” sold the governor’s plane on eBay, navigated her way through teleprompter malfunction at the Republican National Convention, all stories later clarified as misleading. The media has also been fascinated with how little access it had to Palin in the past month, and the series of solo-interview gaffes ran the commentary circuit. Revelations on the $150,000 the Republican National Committee spent on clothing for Palin has revived the cries of (pardon the pun) “style over substance” and “sexism” that have dominated Palin commentary.
“When I see someone spending all this money building her up to look like a fashion plate, and they don’t spend five minutes sitting her down with a copy of the Constitution, with a simple reading of what the Vice President’s supposed to do, I do worry they got their priorities wrong.”
-MSNBC's Chris Matthews
The overwhelming consensus of commentators, taking a tour through the Politico Arena, is that Sarah Palin’s wardrobe will not be a decisive electoral issue. In fact, many anchors covered the story by explicitly or implicitly applying the “we shouldn’t even be talking about this,” label. Bill O’Reilly mentioned the case on his October 22nd program to highlight senseless attacks on Governor Palin, claiming NBC’s Andrea Mitchell had “thought Palin’s clothes are too expensive.” The evocation of NBC or MSNBC has become somewhat coded in conservative commentary as “the liberal media,” so this reference alone is meant to diminish the story as a partisan attack. Why does it matter what the governor’s wearing?
A variation on this angle typically highlights the overwhelming image of Sarah Palin that has come to almost represent the candidate more than any substantive policy proposal. It almost aligns with the same questions about Joe the Plumber: is this realistic? The argument is that for a candidate that many believe is more style than substance, challenges to her image are detrimental. The statement by Chris Matthews represents these concerns most effectively. Sarah Palin has had difficulties convincing Americans she has solid policy chops, but has made grounds with the conservative base as someone who can relate to the concerns of every day Americans. Does $150,000 of clothing in two months of campaigning conflict with this presentation?
“Women get scrutinized on appearance far more than men. And look, I speak from experience here. When I wear a bad outfit on the air, I get viewer e-mail complaining about it. A lot of e-mail. Seriously. When Wolf Blitzer wears a not-so-great tie, how much e-mail do you think he gets? My point is, for women, unfortunately appearance is part of the job. If Wolf [Blitzer] or Anderson [Cooper] shows up on the air without makeup, do you think you would even notice? I show up on the air without makeup, trust me, you’ll notice. This doesn’t just apply to TV, all women in the public eye deal with this issue. And it’s for this reason that I think the RNC should help Palin pay for clothes, hair, and makeup…Just don’t ignore the fact that there is a double standard here.”
-CNN's Campbell Brown
Sarah Palin has faced a relatively different experience in media exposure than other candidates, including a focus on gender different even from the experiences of Hillary Clinton. From the fake images of Palin’s head on an American flag bikini-clad body holding a gun, Jon Stewart tonguing pictures of Palin on the Daily Show, and references to Caribou Barbie and pageant jokes on Saturday Night Life, to the National Review’s Rick Lowry “sitting up a little straighter” on the couch, and Minneapolis radio host Chris Baker bragging that he could see Palin’s “panty line” and suggesting the candidate “shoulda had a little cleavage going,” during the Vice Presidential debate, Palin’s appearance has come in and out of play at various junctures of the campaign. Some commentators have decried the GOP story as a continuation of a sexist trend in coverage, radio host Rush Limbaugh going as far as to state that the GOP purchasing the clothes for Palin reflects continuity in that the clothing is being paid for instead of donated to the candidate. Others have noted extravagant clothing of male candidates that did not receive the same scrutiny.
It is fair to note specific commentators such as Limbaugh have had a less than consistent track record of scrutiny of and concern about sexism with regards to Democratic women, feminism, and Hillary Clinton, and the costs of clothing are higher than any other story and were paid for by the RNC. However, does the attention the story received have something to do with Palin’s gender? How does this impact a candidate already viewed as struggling on policy?
There a little bit of truth to every angle. Yes, this is not a major policy issue. Yes, $150,000 in clothing conflicts with the hockey mom narrative. Yes, the story is more salacious with Palin's gender and appearance. The last question however, provides the most slippery of slopes for the McCain campaign. In so heavily emphasizing Palin’s gender in her introduction to the country, the McCain campaign primed voters to think of “woman” as one of her credentials. It has been demonstrated that women seeking executive office have a difficulty in achieving the post due to the views of political leadership as a "male" role. When the media shifts focus to things that diminish Palin's leadership credentials, emphasize her femininity, and suggest she lacks substance, it's devastating to Republicans who already have concerns about McCain's age. This effect is both demonstrated and exacerbated by recent endorsements from Republican figures such as Colin Powell and the Anchorage Daily News, which recieved a great deal of attention due to anxiety about Palin. It is equally devastating to lose the pundits focus in the last days of the campaign--in a segment where Republicans could have pundits repeating campaign points, they instead received a discussion of Palin's pumps.
UP NEXT--An examination of increased racial tensions, intro political psychology, and media responsibility.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Profiles in Punditry: Questions of Origin and Intent
No ones mouths were really moving,
All them dumpsters overflowing."
-Things I Don't Remember, Ugly Casanova
Analysis of an election is not going to change anyone’s vote, but media is still important. People tend to gravitate towards information that reinforces their preconceived notions about society. Media has the ability to prime individuals to care more about particular issues. It’s been demonstrated that ad watches tend to strengthen the impact of negative ads. There’s an emerging concept called the inoculation theory of communication: by presenting individuals with a certain message and offering a clarification (“my opponent will say x, but what that really means y”), the individual upon hearing the assertion remembers the clarification. How does commentary reinforce less than sultry narratives? Has the media been responsible in its choice of commentators and format? How have different messengers promoted specific narratives? Has inoculation been used to undermine some of the emerging negative messages? Profiles in Punditry will examine the messages and talking heads on both sides of the aisle to determine their influence in the final days of the Presidential campaign. The ultimate goal of Profiles in Punditry is to have a fairly objective discussion of stories and their context in an organized and interesting way.
In any discussion of politics, it is inevitable that the views of the individual are going to play an impact in the presentation of evidence. As someone who is highly invested in the political process, it is impossible for me to claim complete neutrality in the way that I ingest information. Commentary is a commodity that Profiles and Punditry relies on. However, the promotion of any ideological slant is not the purpose of the blog. The entries will be a synthesis of commentary, with the understanding that political commentators are not representative of any specific campaign, constituents, or political philosophy. Not all members of one ideological group are going to reach the same opinion about a story. Ridiculous things said by one individual are not in any way a statement on the feelings of the American public. These assumptions will be absent from the blog. Profiles in Punditry is an examination of differences in narrative perspective on specific political stories and occurrences. The analysis of commentary will also have some basis in research and academic findings as they relate to the questions posed. In the interest of aesthetics and conciseness, the majority of opinions will be synthesized as a particular narrative will not be specifically cited. Direct quotes representative of specific narratives will be utilized to emphasize the point, however blanket statements (“some say”) will have been based on multiple sources, broadcast and virtual. Any and all requests for resources used in the formation of such statements will be honored, and can be sent to profilesinpunditry[at], or through comments at the end of the specific blog. Profiles in Punditry is not affiliated with any political organization.
Section headings are used for visual appeal and to distinguish between the specific content of each section. Profiles in Punditry will use the following format for posting: title, outside material, the hype, the divide, the beat. The purpose of the title is to provide context on the story or stories that will be discussed, as well as the narrative or other concepts to be investigated. “The hype” represents an overview of reasons that the story has prevalence, typically with a focus on the salacious aspects of the material. Why is this story circulated? The hype will also establish the relative direction of specific narratives and provide the basis for the divide: two sections in the middle of the blog which will address the questions as promoted by the title, and establish “the beat.” The beat is an attempt to answer these questions through the use of academic principles. The major focus of the majority of narratives will be related to race or gender issues, although there may be other issues such as the effects of media and responsibility addressed by the blog. It’s pretty fluid.
Part of the difficulty and appeal of discussing political commentary is the wide array of resources and directions that such a journey can take, as well as navigating through what is relevant news and what is pure narrative spin. The self-involved nature of and blowhard ideology espoused by commentators has provided the most amusing aspects of news caricatures such as Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update or The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Profiles in Punditry is an attempt to have the best of both worlds. Through the investigation of academic concepts through the integration of narrative perspectives and a hint of humor, Profiles in Punditry hopes to both clarify and intensify the enjoyment of modern media. Nice to meet you!
UP NEXT--Sarah Palin's clothing, and a discussion of gender.